| Recommendations | Resources |
1. Screening | Include how active screening* is done at other facilities. * Active screening: A live or virtual screener is used to collect and review an individual's screening responses, and determines whether a person may enter the business/organization. | |
Ensure to use the most recent screening questionnaire. | https://www.toronto.ca/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/95f0-Survey-Screening-poster-TPH.pdf |
Ensure everyone know to stay home if they have COVID-19 symptoms that are new, getting worse or unexplained. | COVID-19: What to Do if You Have COVID-19 Symptoms – City of Toronto |
2. Physical Distancing | Manage lines at check in/screening station to ensure that people are maintaining at least two metres physical distancing, and are wearing a mask or face covering indoors. | |
3. Masks and Face Coverings | Remind person in the indoor area wears a mask or face covering in a manner that covers their nose, mouth and chin. | https://www.toronto.ca/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/8fdf-How-to-Safely-Wear-a-Cloth-or-Face-Covering-Banner.pdf |
Provide disposable masks for people who have not brought their own. | |
4. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) | Provide training on how to put on and take off PPE safely. *Training can be provided to players on how to safely put on and remove masks/face coverings. | Recommended Steps: Putting On And Taking Off Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) (publichealthontario.ca) |
5. Hand Hygiene and Respiratory Etiquette | Educate on proper hand hygiene and respiratory etiquette. | 971a-COVID-19-WashYourHands.pdf (toronto.ca) COVID-19: Protect Yourself-Cover Your Cough (toronto.ca) |
6. Cleaning and Disinfecting | Ensure equipment and tools that must be shared are cleaned and disinfected regularly, including between users. | |
Assign tools, equipment and workstations to a single user if possible, or limit the number of users. | |
7. Preventing and Controlling Crowding | Discourage people from gathering and loitering outside the facility. | |
8. Other | Encourage to download the COVID-19 Alert app so that they can be notified directly if they've been in close contact with someone with COVID-19. | https://covid-19.ontario.ca/covidalert |
Maintain a log and record the date, names and contact information (emails and phone number) of all players, referees, time keeper and conveyer for contact tracing. Store the log in a secure location for 30 days & then destroy it. | |